Post date: 2020-12-21

Categories: Digital Education, Digital Future


Let's talk about eLearning changes from a practical point of view.

Sure we can follow trendy words, that means nothing in your everyday life.

But you can't ignore the fact that the world of education or how you educated yourself during 2020 is changed.

Or maybe not?

Please share your thoughts in the comments below with your 2020 eLearning/eTeaching story.

My personal story

I worked on creating or updating 7 online courses this year. Creating/updating a few marketing funnels for online courses. Tested ten of new and old technologies for Learning Management Systems. Most still suck but they getting better. At least I founded a working one digital publishing "Frankenstein" for my personal needs.

In the market (almost overnight) we have 100M+ more course creators (and users) than we had in 2019. It means we have 98% more digital crap and 2% of really good eLearning materials.

If you can talk in front of the camera it does not mean you are creating valuable content. Sorry, but it is a sad truth. If you previously spoke in front of a live audience it does not mean you have the skills to present the for online users. The user's attention span is different and the content should be adapted accordingly. Content should be practical and actionable and more entertaining. Authentic content gets more traction and engagement.

At least in the digital marketing sphere, I started to see more practical and straight to the point of current working practice materials. Very popular were live 1-week eLearning challenges. Participated in some and was very happy about that. There is less room to talk bullshit, but more go to the point and show the real value. Some strategies helped to reduce ad spend by 70% and increase lead conversion speed by 120%.

It becomes clearer - the right communication to the right audience is the king. Content is the Queen 🙂

eClasses and remote education were on steroids this year.

Here are the main trends I see for the next one:

  1. 1
    Personalized eLearning/eTeaching demand. Robots won't change real experts next year. But experts can automate and scale how they can help others a lot.
  2. 2
    Distance and on the go learning will increase. Participated in a dozen zoom calls where people were walking/driving from one place to another while participating in live classes. Eating during the class is a new normal 🙂
  3. 3
    Bite-Sized Learning will surge. Less and consumable is more. No one has anymore luxury of 20h to immerse into long courses.
  4. 4
    Gamification and entertainment will play a significant role in course popularity. If you provide boring and serious stuff - fewer people will care about it.
  5. 5
     Video services will boom!
  6. 6
    Blockchain technologies for issuing and confirming diplomas will grow.
  7. 7
    More AI solutions for education customization.

What are your thoughts about coming Edtech trends?

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